The Art of Fred Martin
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Fred Martin at the Art Foundry Gallery

March 12-April 30, 2011

Continuing with the long gallery opening to the left off the high gallery...


Left to right: Tarot Ace of Swords, Knight and Fool in the long gallery opening to the left off the high gallery.

dated 4/29/95. Tarot, The Ace of Swords.
Acrylic on paper, 68 x 44 inches.

Catalog note:
Both the Coin and the Sword are man-made,
are metal and of the spirit and masculine
when compared to the Club and the Cup which are
 “natural,” of wood or of plants and growth,
of the earth and feminine.


dated 3/21/95. Tarot, A Knight.
Acrylic on paper, 68 x 44 inches.

dated 10/95 and marked "Crazy Dance."
 Tarot, The Fool.

Acrylic on paper, 68 x 44 inches.

Catalog note:
This card is for you. The Fool is traditionally the unnumbered card of the Major Arcana. He is you as you wander into the wilderness, homeless and dressed in mismatched clothes. A dog barks and bites your leg to hurry you out of town."


The far end of the long gallery
opening to the left off the high gallery.

 Undated and unmarked
from the 1995 period of the Tarot set.
Acrylic on paper, 68 x 44 inches.

Catalog note:
Don’t ask me for a reference.
See what you see, find your own."

Far end and right side of the long gallery opening to the left off the high gallery with the Tarot Unknown, The High Priestess, and a Devil.

dated 2/15/95. Tarot II, The High Priestess.
Acrylic on paper, 68 x 44 inches.

Catalog note:
The High Priestess is the ruler woman of sacred things. She goes by the book, by the word and by your own blood traced above her body of starry night."

dated 4/9/95.Tarot XV. Devil
Acrylic on paper, 68 x 44 inches.

Catalog note:
The Devil is the hunger you feed with your desire: the poison that feels so good until it kills you
and then it’s gone."

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