The Art of Fred Martin
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A selection of paintings, 1993-94
The "Large Diamonds"
All of the "Large Diamonds" are
acrylic on paper, four parts, each 63 x 63 in., total 126 x 126 in.  
Images marked
** are described in the catalog for my 2003 Retrospective at the Oakland Museum of California. 
Click the
** to go to the description.
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The "Large Diamond" paintings began in the summer of 1993, when it was planned that one of my classes in the fall of 1993 would be a graduate seminar on the spiritual in art.  I was now filled with the roar of the life of the senses and of the mind—and what is spirit if not both of those pulsing together in our bodies between earth and heaven.  I decided to make a backdrop for the first class meeting.  It would be enormous (it’s 126 x 126 in.) like stage backdrops are supposed to be, with flesh on the left, mind on the right, earth at the bottom and heaven at the top.  I somehow imagined myself standing in front of it at the first class meeting to introduce the subject of the seminar.   By the time the semester started a certain timidity set in and I never used the backdrop.  By January of 1994, however, its size got me going on a series of paintings of this 126 x 126 in. size.

(My son Anthony had bought a very old, abandoned house in West Oakland to revive and live in.  Before the revival, I took advantage of the opportunity of an empty, ruined house with 12 foot ceilings to photograph this and the other "Large Diamond" paintings.)



Body and Mind, Earth and Heaven
June 7-14, 1993

** Shanghai I. 
January 4, 1994.
(Collection Oakland Museum of California)


Source of Power
February 27, 1994

On the lines in an old man's face--
a memory of a youth's ambition
April 9, 1994
Shanghai I
came from remembering a trip down the Huang Po river the summer before, in 1992.  In those days, the river was filled with long trains of abandoned freighters chained together, rusting silently in the night.  This painting was to express my feelings of the space, the texture and light of that.  Nowadays (2004) and with the rise of China as a very major economic power, those ships are gone.

Source of Power
was made because I wanted to show the power my new life had brought to me, and to bring to life again the life-symbols I had found in the small collages of the late 1950's.  One of those symbols was of a seed sprouting that was also a phallus rising--the power in my male life then in my early manhood and then again now in my early old age.  I made this, with the spiraling roar of life coming out of my crotch: the source of power.

On the lines in an old man's face--a memory of a youth's ambition
was made because I wanted to seek and show the origins of the lines in my face which are the lines grooved deep in my whole body itself.  The texts are:

Top: “Of the three ages of man, there is a fourth—now.”
Left: “In the lines of an old man's face, the memories of his youth's ambition: apocalypse, ecstasy, utopia; lines of color, light, fire carved in flesh and blood, lines of hope and fear cut in mind and soul"
Right: “The lines of youth etched in an old man's body tell his fate—the phallic driving in his flesh—and show his destiny—to build a world of love and care.” 
Bottom: Lines of love in veins and blood, worn in flesh by time, carved in bones by death, all the dark and all the flame now, then, always, forever."

Other paintings in the "Large Diamond" format, of which photos are not available were:
Shanghai II, January 9, 1994
Hangzhou I, or The Face of Male Hunger, February 4, 1994
Four paintings about cunt, March 20, 1994

There was one more "Large Diamond" that was to have been about Kandinsky and his "In the time of the great spiritual."  I never could work it out, and only the  top part survived.  It became the cover illustration for the catalog of my Oakland Museum Retrospective in 2003.

K in Diamond
February 12-16, 1994


Click here for the 1994 Venetian paintings

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