The Art of Fred Martin
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From Studio Notes, March 2006

March 20, 2006. Lac Ouaureau.

#6, March 2006.

1. It is an illustration—what #4 March was edging to become. Do it like this: the sun of eternity watches you die, the stars remain. Make a picture of it.

Result—“It is the ladder to the stars.”

Within a few minutes, I saw I could not hold the ladder image. There were too many nice stains; their sweet elegance drowned out the meaning, whatever that was.

2. Cum is the ladder to the stars.
3. No, cum is
     the waterfall from eternity.
4. After all that,
     the painting is only my signs—
       a. The senses: the red cock
       b. The emotions: the heart
       c. The mind: the yellow diamond


(Where is intuition? Maybe the image at the top?)



March 21, 2006. Lac Ouaureau.
#6 March
shows the power (cock), the tools (heart and mind), and the goal (there at the top)[1]. The painting was to have been the stars of late night on March 19; and as it turned out, these are the stars in my sky. And the whole series—March #s 4, 5, 6 is the triptych of my life at this time.

#4, March 2006

#6, March 2006

#5, March 2006


Formal observation—they all three paintings (#s 4, 5 and 6 March) have that horizontal stroke at the top, and a marker, a holder (as Professor Min said, “So the qi will not escape) at the bottom, placed not because of a rule but because of a visual need for contrast and stability. To lock the image into the format—without that mark, it (the image) goes “drifty.”

[1] Remember M. Esther Harding, Psychic Energy—Its Source and Goal.


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